Lower Back Pain Remedy by Julia Kulakova
#LowerBackPain is a common complain among my students, as well as strangers… In fact, when asked about 4 common types of pain, respondents of a #NationalCenterofHealthStatistics survey indicated that low back pain was the most common (27%), followed by severe #headache or #migrainePain (15%), #neckPain (15%) and #facialAche or pain (4%).
Also, #BackPain is the leading cause of disability in Americans UNDER 45 y.o. More than 26 million Americans between the ages of 20-64 experience frequent back pain.
Here’s my remedy and logic for ACUTE #LowerBackPain, so you remember it, when/if you need and – even better – shape up your activities to #PreventIt
Lower back muscles are compensating for deep abs’ weakness. When overworked, LBMs go into a spasm (extreme contraction).
Once, long time before my #DeepAbdominal exploration through #yoga and #bellydance, I dance on the open deck of river cruise in October in Russia. It was a bit chilly, but with all the excitement I didn’t pay much attention… Next day I couldn’t get out of bed – the LBM spasm was so strong! My school semester was starting the next day in Moscow, and I had to travel in the evening. It was the time for determination. With tears, I crawled(!) into a shower… There I alternated a very hot (to relax) and an icy cold ( to contract the body) showers.
The logic: Normally, every contraction is automatically released by the body. If #ContractRelease mechanism got stuck, you could:
1. Do everything possible to relax (#FocusedBreathing, #HotShower, #massage) or
2. (#counterintuitive) Contract more to illicit the “new” following release. This “new” release will “remind” the stuck in a spasm muscles of the release pattern.
In my example, the hot shower relaxed the muscles a little, then the icy cold one contracted them MORE, then the next bout of heat helped the new “release” phase, naturally following the contraction.
I kept alternating those two phases for probably an hour ( obviously, depends on the severity of the spasm and your own determination). My result: the spasm was like, 85% gone after this initial #CONTRASTshower treatment. I didn’t miss the important day in school and felt good, being in control of my health 😉 For the next couple of days, I continued the same treatment to make sure the spasm is completely released.
Since then, I routinely do #preventive #contrastShowers to make sure that my body is in the dance-n-sports-ready state. Wishing you the same