Ajeet Khalsa is a lively, spiritual, performance artist, yogi and children’s yoga teacher and trainer. She has been studying, living, and teaching Kundalini Yoga, & Meditation to teachers, parents and children for over 23 years. Before devoting her livelihood to yoga, she performed as Kermit the Frog, Mickey Mouse and many other beloved characters as a professional Muppet/Costumed Performer. She developed Dancing Spider Yoga as a synthesis of her entertainment and dance-arts, believing that the synthesis of these beloved, magical forms creates a kind of ritual ceremony that can transform relationships and heal.
About the Children’s Yoga Teacher Training
The Dancing Spider Children’s Yoga Teacher Training Certificate supports and inspires anyone beginning to work with children as they continue their own practice. Parents at home, teachers in the classroom, therapists in the schools, all carry the burden of many lives. Let this delightful and spiritual training help you feel more prepared and excited; leave feeling capable.
In this glorious time away with Ajeet, you’ll get a practicum of poses, fun yoga sets, meditations, all in a great easy-to-follow manual. “The manual is great – the rhymes are descriptive and flow together well – easy to memorize, and I can still be creative with tempo and the needs of the class. Practicing it left me feeling focused, refreshed and balanced.” Jonie A. Teacher & Parent
By the end of the training you’ll have awakened your own spirit within, your own divine essence, you’ll embody the golden thread of this beautiful Kundalini lineage and gain confidence in your own unique reach into establishing deep connections with yourself, your children and your students. For a Dancing Spider Yoga video and more information about the training, click here.