September 9-11th
Join us to learn wisdom from one of the most respected and beloved meditation teachers in the world.
Join us to live in community with incredible people, forging wonderful new friendships.
And join us to learn meditation practices that will bring more kindness and empathy into all areas of your life – and the tools to continue fostering loving-kindness for years ahead.
Join us for powerful, opening yoga to make your body feel great and ready to input knowledge.
Join us too for an infusion of positive energy and inspiration that we can become the people we dream of being and meet others on the same path.
The Dalai Lama says “my religion is kindness.” Scientists have new information on why compassion is so important – not just in your personal and professional relationships but for your health. Loving-kindness meditation reduces the production of cortisol in the body (the stress hormone) and helps us be more focused and attentive. As neurosurgeon James Doty writes in “Into the Magic Shop,” increasing compassion makes us calmer. It boosts our immune system and even lowers our blood pressure. It increases our feelings of social connectedness and makes us more optimistic.
Our teacher is Sharon Salzberg, New York Times bestselling author and co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. Sharon has been a student of meditation since 1971 and has guiding retreats since 1974. Many credit Sharon with helping to bring loving-kindness meditation to the West, and she is the author of “Loving-Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness.”
We’ll gather in a stunning estate in Sag Harbor, with a pool and amidst the nature of the Hamptons. Each day we’ll enjoy yoga from an expert teacher and meditation and wisdom talks led by Sharon. We’ll also enjoy group meals prepared by a gourmet vegan chef.
Our theme for this retreat is loving-kindness. Why? Because the news is tough these days. It impacts our minds and bodies, spreading stress. Making it harder to focus and feel open. With loving-kindness meditation we can help to clear this. And to begin shifting how we perceive ourselves and the world. Because nurturing loving-kindness helps us think more clearly, make better decisions and feel better too.
Our group will be incredible, a combination of men and women seeking to become better versions of themselves. On our last retreat, people became very close. Strangers became dear friends, and they’re still hanging out several times a week! At The Path, we build community. This retreat will build loving-kindness, support and love in you and amongst everyone who joins us. The impact is powerful, uplifting and nurturing. People on our last retreat came in looking stressed and left looking radiant – everyone commented on it!
This retreat will be even more powerful. Because our focus is on loving-kindness, we’ll infuse everything we do with this energy. So you’ll come out of the retreat with new friends. Feeling great in your body from the yoga. Feeling clear and calm in your mind from the meditation. And feeling energized by the support and kindness of each person you’ll be surrounded by for the weekend. We are social creatures. See how it feels to be surrounded by people focused on kindness. To themselves. And to you. See how this changes your feelings about yourself, your love for others, and your energy for the rest of the year. You’ll also gain tools, from one of the world’s true experts, to continue bringing loving-kindness energy into your body, your mind and your life forever.