Join me for this thrilling Ecstatic Breath Workshop at Love Yoga in Venice! This is a workshop carefully designed to activate your life force energy, Kundalini Shakti, to energize and illuminate you from the inside. This will be done through the wonderful marriage of kundalini yoga and meditation, chanting, breathwork and my signature Thyroid.Yoga™ practices.
It is a powerful practice for both men and women aligning you to the highest potentials held within all areas of life! You’ll learn essential techniques to infuse your life with energy, banish anxiety, self-doubt and fear, support digestive and immune health, balance your hormones, communicate consciously in your relationships, trust yourself and finally find more restful sleep.
The Workshop:
Step 1: Kundalini yoga and meditation – 60 minutes
Step 2: Chanting Mantra – 20 minutes
Step 3: Katonah Pranayama – 20 minutes
Step 4: Decadent Savasana and sound healing – 20 minutes